“Equips you with the right tools for personal and professional growth”

Franklin is pictured while employed at the John Howard Society, working with Edmonton’s vulnerable populations to help them get back on their feet. His employment satisfies the final phase of his 20-week Lokken College program, after completing the Career Development, Academic Upgrading, Industry Specific Training, and Career Path Management curriculum. Throughout his program, Franklin demonstrated perfect attendance, allowing him time to focus on completing his assignments, and researching realistic employment opportunities.

While looking back at his program, Franklin said: “Lokken College is an amazing institution that equips you with the right tools for personal and professional growth. Its programs are very well crafted and aligned with industry standards and requirements, and are designed for every individual seeking career growth and professional advancement.” Congratulations on all of your success, Franklin. We look forward to hearing from you during the 90-day and 180-day follow ups.

Lokken College offers a comprehensive range of programs covering Career Development, Computer Training, Industry-Specific Training, and Academic Upgrading. All our programs are conveniently accessible online, with weekly intakes, and qualified applicants may be eligible for financial assistance. Explore our program options by clicking HERE to identify the one best suited for you! To commence your application, click on the button below.